So I've been having a headache trying to pin this SES code down. I've been getting the dreaded P300 engine misfire code after doing all the checks with vacuum leaks and resetting ecu, to taking off my custom midpipe, to putting back my CBE. Its driving me crazy
Things finally settled down and I think its my 02 sensors cause I replaced one from oxygensensors online the downstream one on the driver's side broke when they installed my LTH.
Any how the code that I am throwing now is:
P0153.02 AND P0133.02 - Both bank 1 and bank 2
My question is what side is that (Driver side/Passenger side) and it says its upstream when I look it up.
It says that the code is a slow response etc etc. Please let me know what 02 sensor i need to buy along with what side should it belong to.
Thanks for the help