Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
LOL my friend if only you knew. You have so much going on that I think that it will be a while before it is even possible to do. You see your transponder is what tells the engine and the system it is okay to start. This controls everything so without that the car will not start. So in older cars were the chip was inside the key you needed a transponder that held the key inside a box under the dash and tricked the car into thinking it was okay to start. The problem with your transponder is if that is in the car weather it be inside that box or in our pocket. Not only can you start the car but drive away with it as well and unlock the doors to. So If you did a remote start and you hit the start button on your key less remote. Someone could literaly walk up hit the button to unlock thhe car get in and drive off. I just think it will be a while before anyone dose one in this car. PLay it safe and wait.
This I can not reiterate enough. If you have the fob in your car you can unlock your car even when it is on. I really do not think you can install a remote start on the z or any car that has key less entry and key less start for that matter.