Originally Posted by Davey
I do this every year, as I did with my 350Z...
1. Pull car into garage
2. Wait
3. Drive car in spring
I wouldn't even worry about it unless the battery is iffy, but you might put a charger on it to boost it up (or buy a trickle charger) but modern tires don't really flat-spot and your gas tank is well-sealed and you don't really need any Stabil or anything.
The only thing I do is drive it easy until whatever "old" gas is run out, and also take it out and get the oil up to temp for 1/2 hour to an hour (easy to do since I miss driving it).

if you live where I live, winter parking is a fact of life. All of this nonsense about cranking the engine Seafoam in the full tank.... Etc, etc... is pure fiction.
I have never done anything to mine and winters here mean it's parked for 4 months minimum. Last year, my battery went dead. Charged it... and voila...drove away. I detailed it and gave it an oil change before parking it. The level in the gas tank was usually around half.
Never add anything to the fuel. Of course, if you park it for a couple of years, then you may have some issues with stale gas. But only 4 months...forget it.