Originally Posted by SMJane_Again
I wonder about that myself. It seems that Nissan went to great lengths to reduce weight (good) and increase power (also good) and return the focus of the Z to its 240z predecessor. That is exactly what I want. I'm lucky enough to be at a point in my life where my next car will be a 'third' car, a car that I will only drive when I want to, not when I have to. I can't wait. The thing about the Touring Trim will be whether or not the accessories in the package add a significant amount of weight and chip away at what Nissan has supposedly set out for us. I think the Sport Trim makes good sense for the brakes and wheels and I would probably be interested in that. So it's 6MT for me, with Sports Trim and try to get out the door around 35K max. At that price, you have a M Coupe fighter for around 18-20K less. 'Nuff said.
Great post.

M coupe wouldn't even know what hit her!
Originally Posted by jimxo
MSRP for about 3 months then let the bidding begin.
Invoice plus 1000.00 

I don't know if there will be mark up since it's just a production car. Nothing special about it. But we'll see.
Originally Posted by Slidefox
I would say $35K is going to be the average for the 370Z
Good guess. By the time you put your simple essential options in, it'll be close to that I think.
Originally Posted by cstr_Cali
I think I may be willing to raise my threshold to $35k based off of the content and features in this car.

Better start saving.