Goooooood Morning folkzzzzzzzz...... !!!!!
I'm back from the F-1 championship..!
Mr.happytheman & Mr.onzedge
Yup, there's a home theater system in the room
The only problem is I cannot place the seat right at the middle of the room since it has other furniture, but the sound is still ok...
In fact, not much attention to the sound when concentrating on driving.. LOL

It comes with everything ie shift-holder, seat slider and bucket seat, which considered options with other more expensive brands....
And the frame is sturdy..

How are you today?? (besides the tax thingie....

I think you are girl small size
You mean the Convette Stingray, right??
Sure thing, we gonna make a
2014 Off-Topic Z-Calendar
Have an awesome day..!!
hey bro... I am glad Joey is being mentally strong, it's very important at this stage of his condition.
I am not in medical field but I've seen numbers of close one leaving because of this... I feel you very much
At this stage, do as much as and as many as you can to spend more time with him, anything positive will help...
that's a good idea....