Originally Posted by Zoren 370
How will you know if the car is running lean or rich? What are the signs and symptoms? So I will know if my AFR is just fine. Without the aid of diagnostics.
so far my exhaust tips are not black with carbon. But I smell unburned fuel everytime I start the car but someone said over here its because of the HFC.
running a car lean will increase mpg's while rich will decrease mpg's. If you run your car too lean the engine runs EXTREMELY hot and will cause a catostrophic failure (so i've been told). example, my wifes altima (yes i know off subject but good for info) afr O2 sensor went out and normally gets 480 before low fuel light comes on, after failure it came on at 515. She got 550 miles out of a tank of gas in a 2.5 S 2008 altima.Downstream O2 was shot as well. Also replaced the evap control valve. 1100 in parts and labor. Hope this helps for info.