Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 Busy day-for that (even if it IS Monday) I am thnkful...hate slow work days they drag on and on.....well, you guys know what I mean!!
GOod a.m. int eh words of the famous Mr. Kenchan
 A-OK on all items Kenchan.....I think difference in temperature was the extreme one in RED above....cannot prevent opening of garage door(s) unfortunately....cover is draped across some lawn furniture drying, it was pretty wet around the bottom. I will probably replace on car when it has dried out,to prevent bumps just like you said....I worry also-hubby says too much but meh-what does he know about owning a Z 
hello, ms.bc!

depending on how much condensation is on the cover, you might be better off getting an outdoor cover if the one you use currently is for indoor.
also a large fan blowing air around inside will dramatically help. my oscillating fan is mounted on the wall with remote. for days my garage is above 50F, i run my dehumidifier as needed with the fans. (colder temps freeze the machine

hello, mr.alcheng!

yah, i had to skim back 10pages very quickly.