Busy day-for that (even if it IS Monday) I am thnkful...hate slow work days they drag on and on.....well, you guys know what I mean!!
GOod a.m. int eh words of the famous Mr. Kenchan
[QUOTE=JARblue;2110170]Good Morning everyone!
Has anyone ever noticed how much Mondays suck?[QUOTE]

Thanks for the smile Jar.....yes, I think we have noticed!
Originally Posted by kenchan
ms.bc- condensation above the car cover is fine, i would just dry the cover with a towel if it's a lot of water. the cover will breath so you will want to QD the paint when the cover is dry again. sometimes the moisture can leave behind some cloudy film depending on how humid it was.
i keep a thermometer with hygrometer in the garage to prevent condensation on my cars and tools (and any metals). especially if the humidity outside is drastically higher vs inside, i dont open the garage door. here are a few examples i usually see during hibernation:
if garage is 40F RH60 and outside is even colder, opening garage is fine.
if garage is 40F RH60 and outside is 50F RH60-75, open with fans running.
if garage is 40F RH60 but outside is 65F RH>75, i do not open.
i think the threshold for condensation is typically about 15RH higher for outside. with my 2.5 car garage size, it can withstand about 2-3min before condensation starts developing. if i have fans running i can extend the time.
i have to pull out the trash/recycle bins every week so a car cover will definitely prevent any condensation on the cars and any metals. i usually pull-out the bins and shut the door within 2min.
a cover also prevents any scuffs if im moving large bins inside the garage and accidentally bump the cars. i can be less stressed.
as far as scuffs from the cover itself... as long as the cover is clean and the car has wax/sealant, no issue. ive not detected any hazing on the paint from the covers.
i dust the car covers before removal using a california-duster. i say  for indoor car covers when you think about the benefits noted above. 

A-OK on all items Kenchan.....I think difference in temperature was the extreme one in RED above....cannot prevent opening of garage door(s) unfortunately....cover is draped across some lawn furniture drying, it was pretty wet around the bottom. I will probably replace on car when it has dried out,to prevent bumps just like you said....I worry also-hubby says too much but meh-what does he know about owning a Z