Sorry not trying to thread jack, but I had a little issue and figured you guys could help.
Question is about fuel starvation. What is the consequence (or car behavior) from the fuel starve? I will give some detail on what I experienced a few days ago.
I was accelerating up an on ramp to the interstate, was in 4th gear rolling onto the throttle and coming out of it planted. About 50 feet into the straight at 5k rpms it reacted like I hit rev limiter. Vitals looked great so after a mile or so I done a WOT in 4th again and it did not happen.
Later I took another right turn but much shorter maybe a 80 degree 100-125 FT turn. Same thing as I came into the straight around 5k rpms it acted like I hit the rev limiter. I played around all the way home and it did not do it again. Only after these right turns.
That said, I know a long sweeping right turn causes issues. What are the issues exactly (fuel cut car reaction)? Does it hit you while in the corner? Or in my instance's I was in and out of the corner quickly so the lag hit me as I was coming into the straight?
I had a couple dots over a quarter of a tank of fuel remaining, also the car is TT.
Thanks for any input I will rep when it recharges I ran out for the day!
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Last edited by Mr&Mrs; 01-11-2013 at 08:52 PM.