Originally Posted by alcheng
Mr.kenchan..... yup.... having the Z sitting in the garage for couple months..... is 
I think I will try very hard to behave and be a good boy this year.... and go to Santa and ask him "My wish for Xmas gift is a Summer..... !!   "
I am planning to get the sways in Feb or Mar... need to take a break on spending-money cos I just spent quite a bit for the last couple weeks.... 
yah, mr.alcheng, back maybe 10-12yrs ago i just HATED the winter here cause i wanted to drive so bad.

but ive gotten to the point where im a car enthusiast, but not really obessed by it. i can cope with the 3-4months hibernation.

probably because ive driven the same roads around here so many hundreds, if not thousands of times, at the similar 300hp range, that it's not as adventurous (sp?) as it was a while back when i only had 4banger cars. and my music hobby is at its prime season right now.
swaybars in feb/mar sounds like perfect timing.

i hope to have the new 4400bh by then. i checked pricing and its still around $379...was around 485 when they first came out about 10months ago.
which reminds me... ms.bc, did you install your HU yet??
Originally Posted by happytheman
Just touched down in Charlotte. 

happy safe landing, mr. happy.