Originally Posted by pbhakta
Ethan, did you install the springs yourself? If so, any pointers you got. I found a DIY for installing springs , not swifts, but the process should be the same.
yea, i did the install myself. one thing i will say i did that made me alot more comfortable is got a spring compressor with a locking pin.
something like this:
Performance Tool Professional Strut Spring Compressors W89322 - SummitRacing.com
made me feel like i wasn't handling a loaded gun. i would start with the fronts, as those will be the most difficult. took me about 3-4 hours. Its nothing too difficult, jsut kinda time consuming.
backs require 1 bolt to get out, and will probably take 20 min to do both. if u need a hand, just gimme a holler and i can come help