Originally Posted by pgrmstr
So earlier in the week, I get an email from Vorshlag stating there was no damper in development, just coilovers....
Well, wouldn't you know, I get a follow up response today stating...
"over the past few days, we have gotten interest from people in using our shocks for a B Stock 370z. We are looking more seriously into this and we'll get back to you"
hmmmm, I wonder who those interested people were
that's why it's good to be pounding pavement NOW. the last thing i want is a brand new car, ready to go, sitting on stock shocks for a season! 2010 or bust!!
.. oh, and sometimes a phone call goes a long way, too. terry got a good sense of where i'm coming from and what i want to accomplish, and i got a good sense of why he was reluctant to put something together for the stock crowd (not just us). felt we met in the middle by the time we were finished, and it seems as though i was right on the mark. still keeping my fingers crossed!!