Originally Posted by kensin0429
thanks for the inputs and questions .
she would call/text me and tell me she still loves me , still thinks about me. But when I try to say get us back together , she says she doesn't know what she wants right now and the main focus is on her school . Most recent one was on 12-21-12. It was silly , that day morning she ask me what if today the world ends ? I say , I would tell my mom and dad that I love them , and wish to see her for one last time . Then I ask her the same thing , she says ,she would tell me she loves me and see me in the next life . Reason I keep pursuing it is because I get really confused . Think she doesn't want anything to do with me any more but keeps telling these things .
It was more of the act of lying with a little bit about what was lied about .
Almost everything can be forgiven -- not so easy to forget. Stop driving yourself crazy. Let go for a while and see what happens. Trust me -- if it is meant to be, it will be. If not, then all you are going to do by pushing is make yourself nuts. I know this is true -- let go.