Originally Posted by Hotrodz
I totally agree with this statement. I have had an AEM CAI installed for about three months and just removed it yesterday as I could not get it to work without the check engine light coming on and having problems with air flow. There was quite a bit of hesitation during shift changes and the engine would periodically shut down when under load going up hill. After discussing the issue with Seb at SpecialtyZ, he recommended I remove the CAI and replace it with the OEM set up and get K&N drop in filters since I'm getting a tune anyway and with the mods I have the horsepower loss is minimal and the vehicle will perform better. A very expensive lesson for me.  As the saying goes "keep it simple...stupid!" Got Z1 silicone post-MAF intake hose on the way as well. This setup has been suggested by many on the forum.
enter, injen intakes.... like aem, without all the hesitation/tricking computer bs. only water issues i had is when i parked my car on a downhill slope in about 4 hours of rain, car just sputtered a little. let it sit overnight and it was fine. no intake has ever "hydrolocked" a 370z. ever.... even tho that phrase gets tossed around on this site like a $2 whore.
the only thing i don't like about stillens, is they are kinda ugly imo. why do they have a random coupler in the middle of the intake?? BUT, u can't argue with the great track record that intake has had.
if i had to get an intake right now, it would be akumas. simply the sharpest looking intake available at the moment.
they will all perform within 3-4 hp of each other, so differences are negligable. just boils down to opinion.