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Old 01-05-2013, 10:01 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rectorna View Post
Well I got the JL HD today and got it temporally installed. First impressions seems like a pretty nice amp. I knew it was small but I did not realize just how small it was even coming from a JBL "tiny" amp, the MS-A1004.

I have not received the Bit Ten D so I am running the speakers with crossovers bridged right now. I haven't got any tuning done on the amp yet but I have some mad alternator whine going on haha.

Oh well though ill just wait till the bit ten d comes in so I don't have to fix everything twice.

Then I will really be able to test it out and see if its for me!

Thanks for the help everyone.
And big I know that JL is way over priced but I got this one on a dang good deal that made it much much much more appealing then it would of been at the retail price.
Try wrapping the rca leads in electrical tape to see if that helps with the whine. Also could try to recheck the ground and make sure its fully sanded. Lastly bridged connections are more susceptible to noise that may have not been apparent previously, and normally require y adapters.

Sent from my Nexus 7
Try things once to see how it feels. Try things a second time to make sure you didn't like it
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