Originally Posted by acracing118
didnt get home till late but wanted to try something. plugged steering lock back up and while holding it locking mechanisim in my had manually pushed the lock pin all the way in and then tried to start car. still nothing. Should this have started it?
It has worked for some ppl, but not always.
Originally Posted by acracing118
or can the lock still be my problems. just wanting to make sure thats the problem before buying a new one. if i could by pass it long enough to start car i would glad to buy it. ive read many of the forums post and seems everyone just buys the part and it fixes it. but is there a test to know this is it or has anyone bought the steering lock and it not fixed it?
Judging by your symptoms, I'm pretty sure it's the SLU. You may want to get confirmation from someone else before proceeding.
As far as I know, there is no way to bypass the SLU temporarily. In addition to the two switches, there is an electronic circuit that sends a signal to the car - the switches could be faked, but I haven't seen anybody report being able to fake the other signal.
I suggest beating the SLU like a red-headed step-child to see if you can free it. If that fails, there is at least one DIY explaining how to disassemble the SLU.