Originally Posted by R0bDC
I'm asking because I bought my 2009 370z about 6 months ago, I love the car so much it's in my top 5 cars that I love! But recently (2 weeks ago) my slave cylinder gave out and I had to get it replace even though nissan "help me" pay half of it I ended up paying toying 150 dollars and repair 500 dollars. So I was upset about the whole situation but I got over it, now just today I guess I have the "Steering lock fuse" problem and from what I have seen it looks like I might have to take it to the dealer AGAIN! Unless I want to try and fix it myself which sometimes that can backfire on you.
So at This moment I'm pretty frustrated, I really just want to drive. Wouldn't you think that the more expensive the car is the longer it would last or the less issues it should have?
What have you put up with ur Z? Maybe I'm complaining about something we have all gone through with our Z
Are you having a steering lock fuse problem or a steering lock problem?