Originally Posted by XwChriswX
I've had both and for me just a user, not a super geek or anything, they both have +/-'s.
I decide individually which is better at that time, I don't choose one brand over another, I choose and individual product at a time.
I had a 3G, then switched to Droid X (more of a network switch than phone switch, Verizon didn't have iPhones at that time), now I have a Galaxy Nexus, and have been pleased with Each one.
Manufacturer: Apple, Motorola, Samsung
Network: AT&T, Verizon
Equally happy with all.

LOL! I am the same way....I buy what works for ME! Not just the latest greatest techno toy or trend. LOL! I bought Uggs several years after they became popular and only then because a friend of mine GAVE me an old pair and I tried them on! WOW! very comfy, named Ugg for a reason though (fugly) LOL