FI cars are really worth it if you do it yourself and can maintain it yourself. Like MMC said Shops can tkae a long time and that can get annoying. Do you really want to have to rely on someone else if anything ever goes wrong? For some people that is necessary and I can apprecaite that it just makes it difficult because you want your car all of the time. But if you have to rely on a shop for everything a kit is certainly the easiest but way more expensive way to go.
A Daily driver, spare cash, and time to do your own projects will make the car very satisfying. If you can do all of that I would not do the kit route as recommended above. Most of the FI community has some generic kit and thats what slows progress on a platform. Thats why im thinking out of the box with my build. Hell im not even stopping with 1 custom build im doing 2 for the car one single turbo and one twin. But pioneering isnt for everyone.
With anything aftermarket expect some issues though. Nothing is perfect. Manufacturers spend years and millions on R&D when they release a new vehicle to make it reliable.
| 445whp398tq|
|BW S259 Turbo|3" Downpipe\Exhaust|ID1000|AeroMotive|Tial|EcuTek|BC BR|S0-4|MaffFab|
Last edited by MyKindaGuise; 01-03-2013 at 09:10 AM.