Originally Posted by alcheng
By the time they successfully develop the software/phone-apps to unlock and start the car...  (<== sounds like)
Hackers would also have successfully developed a malware that stole the code from our phone thus locate and steal the car....  ....  
after all, why don't they use the funds to add some 20-30 horses or improve the handling or the quality instead of this kind of useless features.
I mean.... what's wrong with the keyless entry FOB...?? 
Your missing the point. In the future there are no pockets. So tech companies have to get us use to carrying less stuff. First step is figure out how to make the smart phone replace everything you carry i.e. calendar, blackbook, camera, wallet, and now car keys. Next step is to implant this NFC chip into everyone at birth. They will then be able to track every purchase you make, every book you read, and every magazine you skim through out the checkout line in Walmart. Privacy will be a concept that we tell our grandchildren about (when I was a kid...)