I contacted Nissan a while back about a firmware update for the head unit for the '09 models and was told that they do not have one, nor will they ever produce one. Apparently, they ditched the software that was used for the '09's when the new navigation system came out for the '10's. At that time they ceased to support the system used in the '09 models.
Basically, if you have an '09 (like me) you are stuck with the firmware originally loaded into the unit. If you have an '10 or later, there are updates to the system. Very, very frustrating but Nissan seemed to have no interest whatsoever in supporting our system.
Proud owner of a new 167.2 inch, 3278 lb baby Z!
Stillen CBE & G3 Intake // Stillen Lightweight pulley // Stillen Oil Cooler // Goodridge Braided Stainless Steel Brake Lines // ACT HDSS Clutch& Alum Flywheel