Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 A coworker and I both have the same 90 mile commute, I got a Z for my "fun" car, he got a Golf. HE passes ME regularly on the 4 lane highway we drive  He also recently received a speeding ticket  Both cars have the FUN factor, HIS also has the DD factor while mine sits in the garage  Maybe not such a bad choice 
Another thing.... when you get above the 99mph mark i never really felt comfortable in the Z where as in my GTI's and A4 and now R I dont have this issue. It got to a point of me needing a car i can mod and still drive comfortably daily, still throw stuff in the trunk, go up to the snow and have fun. Basically the R is and all around good time. With the Z i felt like I had to have a purpose or real reason to drive it.
the R is easier and more fun to drive fast then the Z was. The Z would cause unwanted attention... kide would tell thier parents at a stop light "mommy, get me that car... I want it..." lmao...
So yeah, both really have positives and negatives.....
the morning after i did the swap i had to go up to capistrano vw where i traded it in, to strip it of some parts i hadnt taken off.
I had gotten there at 7am and well to say the least it was a bit wet out, and no-one other then my service advisor(good friend) and sales guy were there. they let me take the Z out one last time and it was wet.... oh, i almost drove back to SD... so much fun in the wet.