Originally Posted by wstar
XP10F + XP8R is the way to go for the Carbotechs, at least on the stock Sport setup. 8/8 gives too much ice mode, whereas 10/8 feels pretty good. They've very grabby so it'll take a little getting used to. FWIW I've switched from Carbotech to CL RC6/RC5+. The Carbotechs worked fine on the track on my good weekends, I just switched as part of debugging my long-term rotor destruction problems. First time I'll finally get to track-test the CL setup will now be Jan 26/27, but so far in non-track testing they've been pretty awesome.
Yeah, I've done two track days and several autocrosses plus 5k or so street miles, and my rotors look practically new. This is on RC6 F/R. The pads also look fairly fresh... Kind of spooky.