I've had my car about 8 months and still watch new stuff coming out. I'm really glad I've waited before getting mod happy. I'm throwing out a big summary that will definitely not be accurate but ball park figures below.
GTM TT done and for sale or SC (in development)
for about $8300 you can add >100WHP and keep the car as a DD
or for about $5000 you can add ~40-50WHP with CAI, HFCs Exhaust, Pulleys and probably a few more things too.
Again the 40-50HP numbers are ball park at best depending on what (and by who) after-market parts are installed.

Buddy Revell: "One man's sooner is another man's later"
Last edited by Nikon FM; 09-22-2009 at 09:40 PM.
Reason: typo on the TT HP