Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Regenerative is a perfectly fine word to use to describe the system. You came in with an attitude, and I just pointed out it wasn't really a point worth arguing.
As far as your comment about fire risk from supercaps in a road car...they're certainly safer than the batteries hybrids run now, and Tesla doesn't seem to have any issues with them in their road cars.
First of I think you mid interpreted my attitude I was trying to be sarcastic in my original post. 'Jokes heard of em' (that's sarcasm as well) lol. But anyways I still don't think regeneration can be used in this situation. Can you regenerate energy. No.
Now onto the capacitors.
Really. That's great I personally think that the electric option would be more efficient in the future. I hadn't read anything about them becoming safer, but I guess they are still used so it makes sense.