Originally Posted by MJB
Had an older beat up Mitushibi Lancer (regular one not Evo) pull up next to me on the freeway yesterday and honked at me. Looked over and was two girls in it, and the driver was motioning forward with her hand. So I dropped into to 3rd and gave it a short burst of speed so they could hear the exhaust. When they finally went passed me they gave me a thumbs up.
Before you ask... no, they were not good looking lol.
Haha. . . reminds me of myself a little bit: Except I'll place my open palm under my ear like I'm waiting/asking to hear you floor the engine of your awesome ride

The last car to grant me the request was an E60 BMW M5 w/ the 5.0 liter V10 - Man, that's a loud engine when opened up !