What a bunch of crap.
09' 370z. Got home today (12/31/12), pulled into the driveway, shut her off. Wife poked her head out of the garage and told me she needed to get her car out because she unexpectedly needed to go into work and that I needed to move my car. Tried to start it up, no go literally seconds after it just worked before. Rage ensues. I call my dealership (I'm 3 months out of warranty but only have 17k miles on it) and Nissan consumer affairs and they basically tell me to politely eff off since I'm out of warranty.
I come on the internet, see that this is a widespread issue, and call Nissan Consumer Affairs back telling them I know exactly what the problem is and that it's a joke this hasn't been recalled. They tell me that it's possible they could maybe help me out cost wise for getting the part replaced, but I'd need to pay to get it towed to a dealership and possibly pay for the diagnosis despite knowing exactly what the problem is.
Instead, I decide to hit it with a hammer (worked, yay!) and cut the stupid brown wire. Never thought I'd fix a $500+ repair problem on my car by hitting it with a hammer and cutting wires, but hey, for once I'm not going to complain.
Thanks internet, as usual you are infinitely more useful than useless customer service and repair from corporations.
P.S. Government recall complaint issued as well.
P.P.S. If this is any indication of the level of quality and customer service provided by Nissan for known issues, it will be my last. I love my car, but this is complete and total crap.
Last edited by Portlis; 12-31-2012 at 01:00 PM.