I'll tell you a good one, but it happened in a GTR.
I was going to a Playoff game for the cards, had to grab some cash so I stopped by my local BOA and pulled up next to the ATM. I was not the drive through ATM , but one on the side of the building. So I jumped out real quick and left the door open on the GTR. A 1998-2001 Miata Driver pulls up behind the car. Starts looking around it, and asks if it's a Mustang. :faceplate: , I politely said no it's a Nissan. So he asks if he can look inside, I said sure, have at it... while I'm still trying to get my cash out of the ATM, I hear, it's a shame you bought an automatic. I just shook my head and tried to explain the dual clutch system, but I think I blew his miata mind. O_o