Originally Posted by axmea?
Your priorities and needs have changed. Sell it and let someone else have fun with the Z. However, be realistic with what you want to sell it for. Yes it holds it's value but it takes a special kind of buyer to sell the Z.
I bought mine from a member here (Oppositelock) and hated buying it from him. A great guy and I drove over 500 miles to get the car. We sat and talked cars while the car was being detailed, and with each minute, I hated taking it away from him even more. He's a car enthusiast as I am, and it tore me up to take the keys from him.
I spent about 2 months looking through cars to upgrade to, and the Z finally made the elimination round in the beginning of Dec. If you are going to sell it, I suggest you don't sell it to anyone who you think won't appreciate the car.