Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good morning all!
Photo shoot today and a cruise tomorrow!
It's going to be a good weekend. 

Sounds like a fun day is coming up...
Originally Posted by onzedge
Sounds like fun.
Good morning.
Originally Posted by kenchan
Mr.kenchan... Goodam!! LOL
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Whatever you do, don't sniff the seat!
First thing I did was fart on it big one thus it smells like my own chair now...

no... I was jk....
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 lol! WHY would he do that?! Lol 
I don't know either, maybe that's what he'll do when he got something new.... like he'll sniff on the Turbo kit
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 morning guys! 4" or so of snow!! Pretty! Out in it to pick up mini from a sleep over
Gurney  jelly! Have a great time!!! Everybody else!!!  
Now on to serious subject: photography
 need some help 
Canon EOS 10D (yes-the OLD one 
It will focus-flash pop up working. But shutter wont release if something is in foreground (including closeups of people)
In other words it wont shutter realease if things are within about 20'
 i'm trying to get some pics of house in snow and it WON'T!!!
Can you try to shoot it with full manual and see if it works?
Or try to shoot it with another mode other than "P"
Originally Posted by Huck
Morning kids! Hope it's good for everyone
So last night I went in the garage to get something, forgot what that something was, and then got distracted and waxed my Z. It started out as just wanting to try my new little buffer, but then kinda spread to the whole car. My wife says I have a problem.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
I bet you've forgot what you need to get once you went into the garage... and you saw the Z then you're like
"Oh.. mmm... now I remember, I come in to wax the Z...."

So I got the chair last night, then I am getting the wheel this week....
And I went on to eBay last night to order the stuffs I want...
which is this: