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Old 12-26-2012, 08:59 AM   #14 (permalink)
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MX52Z is just really niceMX52Z is just really niceMX52Z is just really niceMX52Z is just really nice

Years ago, I used slave flashes in a photo studio setting that were triggered by the main flash popping off. Each slave flash had a little light sensor that detected the main flash firing. So, I believe after more than a decade later, this kind of technology has improved and it's not a stretch to imagine a couple slave flashes built into a license plate frame. I'm all for countermeasures.

The way it always works is that some device i.e. red light camera, is promoted to the tax payers as a boon for "public safety" but in the backroom deals with city council members, it's a different language such as "low capital investment" and "guaranteed revenue stream."

With a few sleazy tweaks of the system such as shortening the yellow-light duration or nailing people who stop and then turn right at a light, pretty soon everyone is a felon behind the wheel. The camera company gets rich, the city gets addicted to the money (especially the city council dirtbags who accepted bribes), insurance companies cash in on raising premiums and the whole cottage industry of remedial driving schools and traffic lawyers get a piece of the action as well.

Anyone who opposes radar or red light cameras is stigmatized as an irresponsible scofflaw who only wants to speed and run red lights. Lies, oops I meant "statistics", are plotted to show how much safe an intersection is now that everyone is being brow beaten.

So word to the wise: whenever you hear "public safety" just replace those words with "easy money" to understand the real intentions.

Last edited by MX52Z; 12-26-2012 at 09:10 AM.
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