Originally Posted by tturbo370z
I can only go with what I was told. My car has already been there for 3 mos and I havnt bitched a bit. It is what it is. Sam said 30days and if it isn't then I won't know until that time comes. Someone asked how long it would take and I told them what I was told. Not sure why I have to pull me head out of my @$$.
The reason you will have to pull your head out of your *** is because when it starts to take forever you will make a thread and put them on blast . Then comes all the nut hugging I know everything about build fan boys . They will blast you and say its your fault for not knowing a build when promised a month or 2 takes over a year .. You will be the fool . It's all your fault . You are a idiot ! Thread will be locked or deleted . Probably deleted ...
I am not calling you any names . But , everyone else will ..