Anti-gunners/anti-AW proponents are just not running on all cylinders. I had a conversation with a young-20's female co-worker the other day. Takeaway points:
-Ar15 is overkill (How? It's more terminally effective? Would you like to pick the tool LEAST likely to protect you?Wtf?)
-Firearms make me nervous because I don't know how to use them. Then learn to use them before talking about how they work, and especially before you might need to use one.
-I have a baby so I would like a firearm in my house because it would make me feel safer. It's a tool, not a talisman.
-Pistols are easier to use than rifles. I promise you, they are not.
Responses in red. People like her vote. THAT is the problem. They don't have a damn clue yet they are legally able to make decisions that affect others. In my line of work, that's called "outside of your scope of practice".