Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
An Accura TL from Maryland decided to play with me on my home turf. The roads were wet, some parts seemed to have small streams running over them too. The TL was doing something weird and it took me a few turns to figure out why he was driving the way he was.
The Accura would slow down and lag a little compared to the car ahead of him then cut into the wrong lane and then punch out and catch the car ahead then do the same thing again. WTF? I realized he wanted the straightest place to pull away from me so he helped create a straight by cutting turns. I accelerated with him each time while staying in my own lane. To his surprise the cars ahead of him both turned off leaving just the two of us. My VDC came off and now I flashed and honked at him to pull over, as it is a 55 MPH zone. He tried to move but he was incapable of leaving me behind but when I got the chance I tried to pass him. A car was coming the other way so I had to abort the pass.
He got his car up to maybe 60-65 but he gave up slowing me down. He signaled that he would pull over and I just passed to save him this. He tried to stay with me but was gone after the first turn.
My Jag has been gone forever and was due back this same day, so I parked to the far left of the garage. Sadly the Z slept alone again last night.
I was told "Life is not a bowl of cherries". Apparently though, you can have a cherry fan.
Merry Christmas BC20

sounds like a lively drive mt. Tam
Indeed, a cherry fan is a lovely thing to have, but its not for everyone you know
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones
Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
A tree came down yesterday taking out the power and blocking the road, so I am writing this on generator power.

we had a cold christmas back in 2003 w no power

lets hop the power is restored in record time!