Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Reading comprehension kills you.
I never once said it was fast.
Reread my damn original post.
I also said I'm a sucker for Hp and torque so my z is here to stay.
What I did say was fast isn't always the definition of fun which is why there's a market for miatas and brz, lotus Elise, mini coopers.
You are blinded by your z and is a fanboy. I'm done arguing.
Again I'm comparing new to new, yet you can't grasp that concept.
Learn to stop paper racing and actually drive those aforementioned cars. They all provide a unique go cart and very responsive handling feel, which is what some people like.
I am a car person. Who enjoys gocarts when they go slow? I want a gocart that goes fast. Now the elise sport clips almost identical numbers to the z, but even used come in around $30k. Not comparing apples to apples there when referencing the frz. If I wanted a go cart experience and go fast I would have gotten a VW r32. The only thing I guess the frz wins in is that it is "new". Guess your trump card beats all of mine....
Now if I was ill-informed, had $27k to spend, and it had to be "new", wait a minute, I am a car person, so new doesnt factor in my equation, performance all around does. That my friend is why the frz is not that great in the big picture scheme of things. Great for "new" at $25k, but not "great" for $25k. So many better options out there. There is a laundry list of better all around cars for $25k that have less than 20k miles.
End of story/ close thread