Thread: Insurance?
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:21 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awesomez View Post
25k is low but if you don't have 5k in property and accounts, it's not like someone can sue you for more.
Woh, are you in for a big surprise! They'll garnish your wages from now until you die to pay off debt from a lawsuit. Any tax refunds you might be due are automatically gone. Lottery winnings are automatically forfeit up to the amount you owe. Don't think that just because you don't have readily available assets now means you're safe (unless you don't mind living the life of a pauper until you're dead).
Originally Posted by awesomez View Post
Single driver does not pay for pile ups. They normally pay in the order the pile up happened with the last guy not paying anything.
The single driver pays for every item he hits, OR causes damage to by direct action. It won't take many hits to rack up a sizable bill. And what if you slide off of the side of a neighborhood road and take out the corner of a house (seen several stories like that in the paper or on national news... not often, but sh!t happens). Or more likely, what if you hit a $40k truck carrying a $50k cigarette boat on a trailer, popping the boat off of the trailer? You think the insurance company is going to say "You're only liable for the damage to the truck... you never hit the boat."?
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