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Old 12-19-2012, 01:22 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Salt Lake City
Posts: 67
Drives: 2012 Coupe/Trg/Sprts
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troubadour is on a distinguished road

Hmm - great idea. I checked the link, and didn't see an FSM (assume that means "Factory Service Manual") for the 2012. But I also noted another comment that there were few differences between the 2011/2012 models and the 2011 will probably do, then - so I'll download that.

(I also noted that you could get the 2012 FSM from, but don't think I'll bother getting an "acocunt" over there if the 2011 will give me the info I need.)

Sure appreciate the help.

I love not having to push on the brake or that dorky shift knob button, but just shift gears whenever I want to. And when the day comes that I decide to sell the car, I already have a replacement knob ready on the shelf; it's a 30-second job to replace my modified version with the new non-modified knob and bingo - everything's back to normal.

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