Originally Posted by XwChriswX
I am too. When I watched the movie, it was at my house with a 109" screen and surround sound stereo. Cranked up so loud you felt like you were in the car with him. FAP FAP FAP FAP

i would just sit there, in silence... racing helmet on....and Gran turismo Racing wheel in front of me and just.... just...watch... hour..after hour... day ..after day...

the enscription on his grave reads:
"nada pode me separar" which means "nothing can seperate me"
"do amor de deus" which means " the love of God"
Why yes..
Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs, The Ford Commericals,Deadliest Catch.. is my cousin.
i outta back hand you with my right hand! and call you b*tch!..... and im Left handed!