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Old 12-18-2012, 08:28 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Japanjay View Post
Well about half a wrap. Still the pillars, trunk, doors, and rear bumper plus door jams, so I think about $1k for half the car is fair. Plus I was just posting what I got for the same amount your quote was. So yes you are right that, that isnt close in price for what you want done. I would think about $600-700 for what you are wanting. I would think there are more places in Charlotte than one that does vinyl work.
Not to try to argue, but I'm not even getting 1/4 of the car done.

Parts covered:
1/2 front fenders
front bumper
hood and mirrors

Parts not covered:
1/2 front fenders
rear fenders
rear bumper
spoiler and splash guards

It's not about the price I want, but the price of the product (3M Premium 8mm per yd. incl 20% markup) and cost of labor(unless they pay over $20/hr). We're not even looking at lettering (which could explain the jump in price per character if not by yardage)

I've spent over 2 years working professional signage and even produced quotes and won bids on local police department contracts for the business. Mid-America Airport and the Gateway Speedway outside St.Louis were all my work. Every last baggage carrier and response vehicle. Every sign for the lot and sign in the entryway at the speedway.

I agree that there must be more places here in CLT to get it done. I'll just have to spend a little more time looking. Again, this was way back in the mid 90's, so I'm most likely out of the loop on product costs.

Thanks for the replies guys. I was just hoping to find that I was being 'duped'. It appears that it seems pretty standard for cost unless I find 'a guy'.

(side story I always reflect on in humor: my boss bought himself a new Cobra on those bids, I got a $1/hr raise [plus the experience and work towards my apprenticeship])
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