Originally Posted by 2xtreme1
... cabin air filter for what pretty much
Is for ac . That alone was 100$?
They have to remove the glove box to get to it and, IIRC, the filter is ~$50. Should be a 15 minute job; 30 at most.
Originally Posted by 2xtreme1
And well like I said he said it was to inspect fluid levels Check brakes
Let's see: radiator reservoir, brakes, battery, oil, washer fluid. If you're a good customer, they should do that much for free. Unless they are checking tranny and rearend levels, takes about five minutes. Three if you're in a hurry. Add 15 minutes or so if they check tranny/rear. If they remove the wheels to inspect the brakes, that will take some time; maybe 20 minutes to R&R if the mechanic is constipated that day. The inspection itself shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes per corner.
Originally Posted by 2xtreme1
calibrate some things and reset ecu . Because " the ecu can forget orginal factory settings " .
That sounds like 100% pure BS to me. Of course it forgets factory settings - the engine is constantly re-tuning itself. You don't want the factory settings unless something isn't working right. If you do want the factory settings, just disconnect the battery and pump the brakes.
Originally Posted by 2xtreme1
BTW oil change was 95$
If that's for Nissan Ester oil, it's a bit on the high side. If it's for a "regular" synthetic or syn-blend, it sounds a lot high to me
Originally Posted by 2xtreme1
....and he said my tires seem worn lmao
Only have 4.9k miles on the z lol

As far as the work being done I thought you were just getting overcharged a bit, at the very least least paying top dollar, but with the reset and tires stuff, I'd find another dealer.