If my dealer did an annual inspection, they didn't charge me for it. I'm assuming they did it during an oil/filter change, but maybe they didn't do one at all.
I'm not sure what all is invovled with a 1-yr inspection, but that sounds like an awful lot. If you assume $100/hr, that's 3.5 hours worth of eyeballing your car.
Other than a visual and kick the tires inspection, what do they plan on doing? If that doesn't include some parts, IMNSHO, they're trying to screw you.
Call another Nissan dealer and see what they charge for a 1-year inspection. If you get it done with an oil/filter change, they may do it for free. Edit: LOL Especially if there is no such thing as a 1-yr inspection as per Waizzz.
Last edited by SouthArk370Z; 12-17-2012 at 05:49 PM.