I have scratches on mine two thanks to my

wife.. I email FI and asked about replacing the back half they quoted aprox $850.00 to replace the cans.
Also I asked about drilling out the rivets and repairing the seal. With the CF cans the CF is the can , no stainless or anything under it, just the baffles, inlet, outlet. I think it could be fixed but it would take some work to pull them apart. There is a grey rubber gasket that runs around the edges; if its damaged we would have to replace it with something. FI doesn't supply them.
Also you can sand down the CF to get it smooth and apply some resin. Sander her smooth and reinstall. I am planning on doing mine next year. If I don't get a replacement system.
Wile you research this please let me know if you figure out a way to fix them.