Looks like I'll be adding a JWT clutch and flywheel to the process

Forum member just removed by GTM, so it's a bit convenient giving it back to them to put it on my car. Supposedly has 100 miles on it, no biggie if it proves otherwise as GTM sells JWT replacement stuffs. My Wifey says we don't need kids because she's getting "Can I get" plenty enough from me alone haha.
I hope what you say is true Shamu. My HFC might prove to be a hidden Godsend if it helps with this supposed back pressure needed in the system for the Rotrex superchargers to build power. Again, huge gray area on how it will perform. I'm just gonna ride shotgun and see where it goes. Either way, I'm tired of being disappointed in this numbers game. Not sure what is holding back my NA numbers. Flywheel would only add another 5-6whp. Idk if it's my exhaust, the HFC, I dunno. The twin SC's is my answer. It's my nuclear weapon that was just unleashed on pesky peasants that refused to do what I said. Overkill, but I get what I want lol.
EDIT: Clutch/flywheel, confirmed payment. MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!! This is a bit more comforting knowing I have more clamp pressure to hold the torque. Not gonna complain about the flywheel either, should help spin up the SC's.