Originally Posted by CDepp
I would also say, even after leaving some advice, don't take advice from forums if you feel uncomfortable with the method. I only posted because I trusted my father and actually have *saved* many devices this way, even though some of the devices would have probably been fine with just drying out (tv remotes, etc).
While I didn't do it myself, I did see an Apple //e that had been stolen and abandoned outside during a rain storm "revived" using distilled water. Lots of mud on and in it. Tech disassembled the computer, and rinsed everything down with water and some soft brushes. Didn't submerge it. He then put the boards in a file rack. I didn't get to see the rest of this, but according to the tech, he set up a small fan to blow on them, and left them for three days. Put it back together and it worked (except for the floppy drive and the video would flicker every now and then)! I can't swear that the distilled water did the magic - maybe tap water or nothing at all would have worked - put there ya go.