How to keep your driver's seat from wearing
Note: this is for cloth seats only. The following procedure does not work on leather, as the coating will not bind to its smooth surface.
1. Thoroughly clean your seat with soap and water. Let dry completely.
2. Mix 1:1 JB Weld, the large package (it makes about 2 cups)
3. Using a tongue depressor or similar instrument, coat seat with the mixture to a depth of about 1/8". You do not need to coat the bolster on the right side, since it gets virtually no wear.
4. You may also want to coat the left-hand seat back. If you do this, lean the seat all the way back to prevent sags in the material.
5. Give the material at least 24 hours to fully set per directions.
Enjoy a seat that will not scuff, wear, or tear, and can be cleaned with a propane torch.