Originally Posted by Junkman2008
Here's what you have to realize about a company like Meguiar's. Unlike a lot of companies that you will read about on these boards, Meguiar's actually manufactures what they sell. They are not some boutique brand that gets their base product from another manufacturer and then adds their 2 cents, they MAKE every polish, compound and wax that they sell. That means that they have a research and development department. They take the time to test, redevelop and improve everything that they make. To not do so allows your company to get stale and that's how you get passed up by your competition. A good example of that is Motorola.
There was a time when Motorola didn't do two things. They didn't make commercials and they didn't discount their phones to employees. Guess what happened. The competition started making funny commercials and affordable phones. So affordable that Motorola employees started buying them (I know... I use to work for Motorola). Now you can't name 3 of your friends who have Motorola phones. That's because Motorola, the 800 pound gorilla sat anywhere it wanted to for way too long and the little chimps named Samsung and Nokia ate their lunch. Now Motorola, the 800 pound gorilla is has practically sold off their cell phone division because they couldn't turn a decent profit. That's what happens when you get stale. Meguiar's is smart enough to learn from Motorola and the Swiss. The Swiss use to make 89% of the watches sold in the world. How many people do you know who are wearing a Swiss made watch right now?
Constant development does one thing for your company. It keeps you fresh and on your toes. It's a jungle out there in business land and there's always a few chimps just waiting for you to take a nap. 
I understand what your saying but here is my thoughts. When you have something that works a customer will return for more. When you keep flooding the market with "new formula" one starts to think why! Mequires is a big company, yes they have alot of stuff but everyone ive talked to about detailing i always here the same thing. Why do they have a billion different compounds and this and that! idk..... i dont care what the name is. if it works and has results leave it at that. just remember with good customer service and products that work you will have a customer for life!