Originally Posted by NickBaragona
Thanks, I was asking because my sub is no longer working and may be blown. Would my amp power a P3D2 sufficiently if I decided to upgrade?
It's easy to check bass and sub coils with an ohmmeter. Isolate the driver, set the ohmmeter on ~10 ohm scale (most drivers are 8 ohm or less), and place the meter probes across the driver terminals. If your drivers are 1-4 ohms, use a scale just above that number. Should read close to nominal impedance or infinity. Much above/below nominal and you have a problem*. Infinity = blown.
Don't try this with tweeters or mid-ranges unless you know what you are doing - you can burn out a coil.
*Keep in mind that your meter will be reading DC resistance and speakers/drivers are an inductive load. Impedance and resistance are not exactly the same so your reading my be a little off. If the reading is just a little off, try comparing with a few more drivers. If all read close to the same, you should be OK.