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Old 12-12-2012, 06:27 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Drives: 2011 370z
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Slikshoes is on a distinguished road
Default Nobody Mentioned!!

Okay... If you leave Traction Control button ON. Which is default when you turn on your car. Your back tires will automatically brake, preventing you from spinning your car if one tire spins faster than the other.

If you turn it OFF. You will get less of this auto braking.

If you perform a Launch on your car, drop the clutch pedal. with the traction control button ON, your back tires will begin braking and your purpose of your launch is messed up. lol

If you take short fast corners with this botton ON, your back tires automatically brake.

So in other words!!

TURN OFF if you want to drive aggressively.

Leave ON if you choose to drive like a normal driver.


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All information here given reader takes at his own risks. Poster cannot be sued. "normal" Driver intended to best describe how your mom would typically drive.
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