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Old 12-11-2012, 07:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Monumental Element experience

I'm fairly new to the forum. Mostly, I've kept my posts to joke-replies and only a couple threads of my own. I've rooted the forum several times over for advice, browsed the galleries for hours deciding how to setup my Z, and of course found a very good person who is selling their Z to me. Along with these, I've read posts about vendors and companies everyone is dealing with. Some very good points about the vendors and people, some very poor.

So, while taking advice from a post here in the Wheels & Tires section about spacers and 'beefy' looking wheels, I ran across a link for Element Custom Wheels. I found a great number of wheels for my (soon to drive) Z and was thinking about my fiance's old C300 Sport and it's crappy, dust-pitted, silver, stock wheels. Christmas is around the corner, and some blink on her thing would definitely make her happy. So, I plugged in the car info. 2008, check, Mercedes, check, C class, check. Having search many times before for a good replacement set of wheels for her has left me discouraged in years past. But, having seen what I could see for the Z, I was curious. Thinking I could keep the same rubber, I choose the stock rim size and set the 'staggered' option, selected 'chrome' for the color and.....BAAAAAAMMMM!
No rims in chrome, staggered, 17", with the bolt pattern for the C300.
Not surprised.

So, I was about to go back to looking for my goodies when I thought about her tread wear on her current tires. They're getting low, I thought.
"Meh, let's see what an 18" chrome staggered returns".


Well, about 5 rims show up. But, what's that?!? THIS WAS IT!!!

*Click**Click-click**Click**tappa tappa**Click*
"Your order has been processed Mr.Smooth-gonna-make-woman-happy. You might get to touch lady parts tonight!"

Immediately, I copy the image of the Foose Speed Chrome Rims to her and she loves them. "I'm definitely getting to touch lady parts tonight, automated Element email response", I think in my head. (Mainly because it's hard to think anywhere else).

Sit back. Drink coffee. Enjoy life.

20 minutes pass and I get a call. It's Ryan from Element Wheels.

"Sorry, man. You're not getting to touch lady parts tonight. We're out of stock on the Foose rims."-Ryan

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", I scream on the inside. "Is there anything else available that would be comparable? If not, I have to suffer the wrath of the disappointed fiance. AND, I won't get to touch lady parts," I murmur.

Ryan tells me he'll put together a list and email them to me to look at. At this point, I had started forming the words to my gal about how her Christmas present is going to be chocolate and a sweater this year instead of rims. "Wait a second!", Ryan says. "I have something that's actually a little better IMO and actually made by a company that designs for Mercedes in their lines. I've got to get you to look at these. I'm only emailing this right now, get back with me and let me know if you need a complete list."

We hang up and I head back to my desk. I open 'Yahoo!', whose name at this moment seems to aggravate me for some strange reason. WTF! How'd I miss those?!?

SUPER CLEAN! An the lip sets it off!

I call Ryan, "Get 'em! I'll take care of the lady and let you know if I need to stop the order, but right now - place it."

I send the pic to my fiance and she's even more excited. So, Ryan, you saved me dude.
He even gave me a full discount on the mounting bolts as the stock ones wouldn't work and for the lack of stock and price variance.

I see my fiance tonight and let her know I wouldn't expect to see the rims ship until after Christmas as it was already free shipping.
30 minutes ago, I'm back to browsing the galleries and forums here and an email comes through. "IT'S YAHOO!!! YAHOOOooooo!" (strangely, the name excites me again)
Invoice from Element. WTF? I already got my order confirmation. They cannot invoice until they ship. Next email; shipping number for the rims.
Same day?!? WTF?!?

So, long story short:
Element Custom Wheels seems good to deal with.
Ryan is a very customer-oriented person.
Would recommend, and I will look to them for my Z unless someone comes up with a ri-donk-ulous offer on some rims.

Last edited by CDepp; 12-11-2012 at 07:20 PM. Reason: images are hot-linked like coco in the Alps
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