Originally Posted by kenchan
it's all in the head, ms.pint. per my sig, i suggest first start by eating fresh produce, and cut down on total intake. one mile per slice, 3miles per chicago slice. (i can't talk.. i ate waay too much this weekend literally cleaning out the fridge. ) ooooph..
Walking on a treadmill in front of other people just makes me feel weird. I'd rather be outside jogging on a real trail. Sadly, with the time change, I'm not out of work until after work now. I've started working on my diet and counting total fat/saturated fat/cholesterol/calories/sugars/etc etc. I can eat water.....
Originally Posted by JARblue
So I managed to break something when I did the steering lock fuse removal I broke the damn white plastic hood prop clip. It's a $3 part, so I'm going to use it as an excuse to buy $100 pair of hood struts If Ms. Pint won't sell me hers, I'm considering starting a WTT thread - my OEM oil pan drain plug for your plastic hood prop clip
I'll get back to you Friday. If I'm going to get my hood repainted next year anyway, I may as well not install until then. Decisions, decisions.